Challenge: Rewrite Normal [3 Min Read]

Trying to shift viewpoints when individuals have deeply established notions about how things should be might be one of the most difficult aspects of working. Have you ever found yourself in a rut? This can occur if you have kept the same position for an extended period of time or if you’re surrounded by uninspired people. Your capacity to think creatively will be hampered by stagnation, monotonous tasks or your environment. The first step is to diagnose the issue or in this case identify longstanding routines that may not add value to your workflow. Ask yourself can these tasks be improved, updated or standardized to reduce the amount of time it takes to complete. Understand the value chain of events related. What’s upstream and downstream in relation to this routine?

Creativity begins with questions. Question processes and conceptual approaches, and you’ll see that you’ll grow to be more involved, inquisitive, and inventive. Questions should be followed by you engaging with peers in a conducive meeting. Do you subscribe to  any podcasts or attend industry events? Are you a member of professional organizations in your field or community? These are all useful resources than can be sound boards or spark new ideas. At the minimum promote a healthy environment that supports brainstorming and host think tank sessions regularly. Collaboration is about conversation.

What task in your workplace is in need of an update? Can you assemble a team to help you tackle it?

For Film Creatives: What narratives around you are in need of a visual stage?

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